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About Dale


Rebel Rodz Special Annual Issue "Best of Babes" 2pg's cover

2013 K&N Air Filter Calendar
2012 K&N Air Filter Calendar

2013 Muscle & Machine Calendar
Bike Craft, Cover/Feature
Cafe Racer Italia, Cover/Feature
Barnettes Magazine, Feature
Legends of the west Spring Street Vibrations featured photographer.
Hot Bike Magazine Multiple Covers/Features
Biker Magazine Cover/Features

Biker Magazine  3 pgs "Top 12 Best Babes"  Yealy issue.
Rebel Rodz Magazine Multiple Covers/Features
In the Wind Magazine Cover/Features
Hot Bike Baggers Magazine Multiple Covers/Features
Thunder Roads Magazine Multiple Covers/Features
Go For It Magazine Cover /Features
Back Street Havoc Magazine
Low Rider Magazine
Sacramento's 98 Rock Bod Squad Calendar!
Global Knockout Calendar
Super Beer Pong Calendar
Jack Daniel Girls Rodeo Calendar
Custom Chrome show Featured Photographer!
Cover for Hypno Mojo DVD
Reno tonight Cover and feature
Starting out Sportbike Covers front and back.

Misc. Concerts include

Testla "Back stage"

Babalon AD "Back stage"
Sammy Hagar "Back stage"
Slipnot "Back stage"
Motley Crue "Back stage"
Katy Perry "Back stage"
Joan Jett "Back stage"
Warrant "Back stage"
psychedelic furs "Back stage"
Peter Noon "Back stage"
More I can't remember????


What inspires your creative process?

I have always been creative ever since I can remember. I grew up building just about anything we could get the parts for. We started out building push go karts, then mini bikes and dirt bikes. Cars as we got a little older and just about anything else we could get cheap, or free to tinker with. I also did some drawing and airbrush paintings. I couldn't really tell you what inspires a photo or image, it just happens. If given a subject like a model, it’s very easy for me to look at the model and figure out what she likes and what style photo she is trying to achieve. From there I come up with something cool and unique. Throw a bike into the mix this changes things. If shooting for myself I am free to create and do whatever I feel is good for the image. If shooting for a magazine that changes everything! Magazines like images a certain way to fit their magazine style. So the question is how do I shoot this to meet their expectations, while incorporating my own personal style into the image? Practice, practice practice!



How did you get started in photography/specializing?


Years ago I did Redwood Deck Restoration in the Bay Area, CA one of my customers owned a large clothing manufacturing business in China, business based in San Francisco, CA. We were talking about his business one day and I asked him if he had ever considered selling online? Long story short, I ended up building a website for him in exchange for a % of $$ sold on the site. They sell 100’s of clothing items and accessories most of which I had to photograph with models. At this point I would not have considered myself a photographer, just a hobbyist with a camera. I didn't even own a decent camera. I told him this and that I could shoot the photos, but I have an old camera and no lighting. He gave me about $2000.00 and said, “get what you need” so I did. I was strutting around like king of the hill with my 1.3 megapixel Olympus Camera and 500W smith Victor hot lights LOL. I have to say for what I had and no real training, the photos came out pretty good. At that point I felt I had a knack for what I created. I continued with photography as a hobby for years while continuing to run my decking business, Never in a million years would I have ever predicted that I would be doing this for a living today. About seven years ago I sold my deck business and moved out of the Bay area. At this point, I was a little burned out on decks so I decided to look for other business I could start or get involved with. While doing so I continued to learn more and more about photography and the new digital world. It was almost like an addiction! With all the new digital cameras, wireless lighting and 5 million other cool new products available to photographers, I became obsessed with what I was doing. Fortunately, my hard work has paid off and I've been working and making a living as a full-time photographer ever since.



What elements do you consider when setting up a photo?


WOW this is a tough one, everything is so different, commercial photography, models, bikes, are all very different. My first consideration would have to be the client and what they are trying to achieve. For example: Let’s say the client is selling lingerie. The basic catalog shot would be high key white background, a beautiful model, great pose, “CLICK” were done, simple. Well almost that simple J. Client says “no” I want something edgy, eye catching and creative to get the consumers attention”. Hard to say what I would do until I actually had to do it. By talking to the client, seeing the product and the model would play a huge part in deciding how the shot would be created. If you wanted an answer right now off the top of my head, I would probably create a slogan to start. Maybe something simple like,”For the girl who has everything and needs nothing”. Maybe it’s not the best slogan in the world, just an example. Since they are selling Lingerie, with this slogan I would probably do a shot where the model is walking away wearing only the lingerie. Her coat laying on the ground behind her as she walks towards a 5 star, VIP type setting such as a restaurant with all the other patrons in the background dressed to impress but slightly blurred so that my model and the clients lingerie POP OFF THE PAGE! The lingerie and model should obviously be the focal point of the image. This photo should SCREAM, sex appeal and class. The coat on the ground is saying to the viewer that she only needs the clients lingerie and nothing else to impress! The great thing about photography is that there are so many ways to do things and so many ideas that just happen while working you sometimes end up with something totally different and more than powerful than ever expected.



Do you have a Favorite picture or calendar you shot?


Hmm, favorite picture, that’s tough. Favorite Calendar, would be K&N Motor sports and Sacramento’s 98 Rock Calendar. To become a model in the 98 Rock calendar the girls had to compete in a bikini contest. I was also asked to be one of the 4 judges, that was fun! The perks were very cool. I got a call on a Thursday for the station. They asked “what are you doing this Saturday” Simple answer, if your asking I’m free! We would like you to do a photo shoot with two of the 98 Rock girls in Lake Tahoe, we'll send a limo to pick you up. After the photo shoot we would need you to be back stage for the Sammy Hagar and Montrose concert. We’ll come home later that night. HMMM Let me see? Limo, Tahoe shoot with two beautiful girls, hanging out with one of the top dogs at the station and an all access pass to Sammy and Montrose, hmmmmm, twist my arm, OK! Very cool to say the least! Stage left overlooking about 25,000 screaming fans!, open bar, 20 feet from the band, doing shots of tequila with Sammy in between breaks, getting amazing photos and they pay me for this? COOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!



Most awkward photo moment?


I was doing a photo shoot in my studio. Picture the scene. We have the beach background, treasure chest, fish net and other misc. Props to create a semi realistic looking beach scene. In walks the client. A beautiful 5’8” model. Tan skin, long black hair and a body that was off the charts. She was wearing a very tiny, leopard thong bottom and a leopard type scarf wrapped around her very large expensive chest. First thing was to get an even layer of baby oil on her skin. Then I have her pose. I had her lying on the beach on her back, hair just right, everything looks great. I grab my water bottle and spray her down to give a wetter look and we start shooting. Poses and images look great, couldn't ask for more! We decide to change things up a bit. After discussing what we had already shot and what we will do next, she decided to apply more oil. After she put on the oil she asked me for more of my glistening spray. I said, “you mean the water?”, no the stuff you sprayed on me before. Yeah the water. She says “ what kind of water is that, it smells so good, I thought it was some professional glistening spray photographers use to make the skin glow” I grab the clear bottle I have been using for years for only water and open it. I take a big whiff and said Oh my god, you're never going to believe this one LOL, my 8 year old daughter likes to do chores around the house for money. The other day she asked me if she could clean the studio shooting area of the floor. I said sure. She must have used my water bottle and added concentrated floor cleaner to it. I recognize the smell and confirmed with my daughter that was exactly what happened. My daughter said she only put in a little bit. With all that said the model freaks out thinking she’s going to break out in hives or something, runs into the shower and washed off . Thankfully she never broke out and everything was OK. I will say she was exceptionally shinny that day and pine fresh!

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